
Everything wellbeing, mindfulness, and lifestyle

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Enjoying Easter in 2022

We can say goodbye to winter and look forward to spring enjoying the delicious holiday that is Easter. 2022 will be our first Easter since Covid without any lockdown rules, so how can we make the most of this first spring Holiday?

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The Power of No

Have you ever been faced with a situation in which you said yes, but you really felt like saying no? Saying no has always been seen in a negative light but in practice, it can actually lead to many positives. Here’s why you should consider the power of no.

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Things My Mother Taught Me

This Mother’s Day, many of us will be celebrating and thanking our mothers whether they be the person who gave birth to you or the person who helped raise and care for you. So, for this Mother’s Day, I want to look at what I learnt from my mum.

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7 Tips for Having Fun

Changing up your routine or incorporating more fun into your life without totally disrupting your schedule is possible. These 7 tips for having fun are bound to brighten up your day!

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5 Ways to Stop Procrastinating

Some people simply want to avoid certain tasks because they are afraid to fail. Others may find a task to be unpleasant and delay starting. Whatever is behind your procrastination, you can reduce its presence in your life.

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Mental Health

Taking Care of Your Mental Health in 2022

It is a trying time for many and it’s easy to forget to prioritise your mental health because you are so focused on physical wellness, working, and getting through hard times. Here are some ways to re-introduce mental health care to your day-to-day life to maintain a healthy balance.

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Music, Health and Relaxation

Many of us have a favourite playlist that relaxes our minds and gives us inner balance. When we “make music” with a musical instrument, this effect is more than doubled.

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5 Healthy Goals You Can Actually Keep

Having goals are productive and provide a point of focus. However, we can lose motivation if progress seems slow or you have a bad week. Instead, why not aim for goals that are more realistic, yet still beneficial for your health.

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Mental Health

Self-Love Tips for Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is usually seen as the ultimate celebration of love. While you can express your love for parents and friends, it still remains very much a day for couples. But what about self-love, after all the most important relationship we have is the one with ourselves.

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