
Everything wellbeing, mindfulness, and lifestyle

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7 Common Meditation Mistakes

Meditation has grown from an ancient art to a familiar practice among many people but, although it may be a popular activity today, there are still some common misconceptions about the practice.

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Meditation Tips for Beginners

For some, practicing meditation especially if you’re new to it, may seem quite intimidating. But this shouldn’t dissuade you from trying it. In fact, meditation is very approachable and even if you’re new to it, you can enjoy practice! Here are a few meditation tips for beginners.

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Looking Forward to 2022

Thanks to several Covid waves 2021 may not have been the full return to freedom we all hoped for, so what can we look forward to in 2022?

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Mental Health

5 Tips on Dealing with Life’s Challenges

Some people are masters of conquering challenges, while others struggle to overcome even the slightest curveball that life may throw.  Here are five tips on dealing with life’s challenges that can help you manage your ups and downs in a healthy and resilient way.

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Simple Ways You Can Protect the Environment

As we start 2022, the importance of looking after our environment has never seemed more relevant. While the major effects of climate change cannot be easily reversed in a short space of time, there are simple ways you can protect the environment and lessen your personal impact.

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Mental Health

5 Reasons Why Being Thankful is Good for You

If you faced many challenges or still have unresolved issues, it may be hard to view things in a positive light. However, being thankful even in the hard times, can have a positive impact on you! Check out these 5 reasons why being thankful is good for you.

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5 Reasons Meditation is Good for Self-Care

There are many ways you can take care of yourself: engaging in daily exercise, getting eight hours of sleep each night, and even attending weekly therapist sessions. There’s one more thing you may want to add to your self-care to-do list, and that’s meditation.

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5 Tips for a Stress-Free Christmas

Christmas is one of the busiest times of the year and for the average person, it can certainly raise your stress levels. But Christmas doesn’t have to be complicated or stressful. Here are 5 tips for a stress-free Christmas that allows you to enjoy the best the holidays have to offer!

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