Fun Stuff to Do at Home This Summer

by Karen Alexander, Sunshima guest blog writer

It’s August! Most of us even in the UK, an area not known for hot summers, are experiencing record breaking heat and privately even begging for some rain if only to give the garden a much-needed drink. Life seems to be more or less back to normal after what has been an unusual two years and although there is plenty of bad news to worry about, there are still ways you can enjoy the end of the season and create some lovely summer memories.

Homemade Crazy Golf

My family love crazy golf and yes you could always pay to play or you could make your own course. Look around for things that could be used for the ball and golf club such as a ping pong ball or cricket/baseball bat. Then set up your course using cups and plant pots for holes and obstacles like cardboard box tunnels and ramps made using books. Be as creative as you like, you could even use stuffed animals to make a jungle or forest theme.

Picnic Fun

In the current dry spell, it is best to avoid the BBQ, as they can be a fire risk, instead opt for a picnic. You will still get the pleasure of eating outdoors and it will be less stress and definitely less risky than firing up the BBQ. Lay down a blanket, along with a delicious selection of your favourite summer fare. You don’t even have to cook, just get some ready-made snacks from the supermarket. And if you are feeling adventurous or don’t have a garden, take the fun to a local park. Relax and watch the world go by.

Home Festival

Festivals have returned this summer, create your own festival experience by taking the TV outside, watching the best bits of Glastonbury and Radio One’s Big Weekend on BBC iPlayer/YouTube and of course, thanks to the internet, you can always create a playlist that will suit your musical taste. Don’t forget the body glitter, festival wear and then all you have to do is dance like no one is watching.

Discover your Town

Most towns have free walking routes that you can download. They can be historical, cultural and/or scenic. This is a good way to uncover interesting facts and little-known landmarks. And the scenic routes will showcase the natural beauty you are normally too busy to notice. Decide what you want to do, download and off you go.

Fun Run

For the more active, take part in a local fun run, just search for what is happening locally and choose what appeals the most. There are family events and remember to be mindful of the heat and drink plenty of water. 

Look At the Stars

It is awe inspiring to gaze upwards at the vast universe around us. Pick a clear night, find a quiet spot away from the streetlights, take some binoculars or a telescope (if you have one) and look upwards. Or even just lay on a blanket and take in the astral sights. There are numerous websites to find what stars are visible in your area and tonight you can check out the beautifully bright moon.  


And of course, don’t forget to take time to just do nothing.  Get that book you have been wanting to read for ages, recline on your favourite summer chair and lose yourself in the story. Whatever jobs or errands you have can wait; this is your time.

Summer is meant to be enjoyed.  So have fun and make the most of this golden season!