Things My Mother Taught Me

by Karen Alexander, Sunshima guest blog writer

This Mother’s Day, many of us will be celebrating and thanking our mothers whether they be the person who gave birth to you or the person who helped raise and care for you. This is the person who protected you when you were young and listened to your first dreams, believing and encouraging you. And while during your teens things may have got a bit bumpy, as you get older you realise how lucky and fortunate you are that they are your mum. So, for this Mother’s Day, I want to look at what I learnt from my mum.

A Love of Music

I can still remember my mother dancing around the house to her favourite songs and singing as she did some household chore. I saw that music had the power to uplift and revive and yes, we go all go through difficult times but losing yourself in a song that really speaks to you does make it better. For those moments you can forget your problems and simply be the music.

Good Gossip

A good gossip is not malicious or mean, it is mostly enjoying some interesting titbit about people we know. My mum and I could share confidences about each other’s friends we could never tell anybody else. It was a good way to discuss issues we were not experiencing ourselves and to laugh at some of the ridiculousness of what it is to be human.


There was always room at our dinner table for an uninvited guest and a bed or somewhere to sleep could always be found for a visitor. These were never seen by my mum as an inconvenience or a disruption to a well laid out plan but an adventure to be embraced. She always had time for friends’ problems even if I personally thought some of these were a waste of time. From this I learnt to be less judgemental, after all none of us know what somebody else is experiencing and just listening to someone can make a difference to their day. 

Unconditional Love

The power of unconditional love cannot be overestimated, to have someone in your corner who loves you, warts and all, boosts your confidence. I felt that whatever happened in my life there was one person who loved me simply for being me and would stand by me despite my mistakes. And even in the face of failure she still believed in me.    

Hard Times Can be Overcome

We had our hard times like everyone, sometimes money was tight, and my mother had 4 children to feed and clothe. She somehow managed this with careful budgeting, creative recipes and a sense of humour. I always remember her smiling even when things were tough. Life is not always easy and I learnt from my mother that during those times, you can still enjoy life and it will get better.

Your Mother is Always with You

Lastly the most important thing I have learnt from my mother is that although she has passed away, she is still very much with me. Her love and support never left me. And her belief in me still gives me the confidence to go out into the world.  

For this Mother’s Day celebrate that love, you can make a grand gesture if you want but the best way to show your appreciation is simply to spend some time with your biggest cheerleader, your mother.