How Failing Can Help You Succeed

by Anastasia Fermin, Sunshima blog writer

We’ve all experienced failure at various points in life, whether it’s a school project gone wrong or a business venture that tanked. When you fail, it’s natural to feel disappointed, sad, anxious and depressed. It can be very demotivating and even cause you to give up on what you were trying to accomplish. Failure doesn’t have to have this outcome. In fact, failure can be used to help you achieve success!

Change your Mindset

The way you view failure is pivotal in creating your own success. Instead of viewing failure as a setback, think of it as a learning experience. Learn from your mistakes, analyse what went wrong and think of ways to improve your approach and try again. The world’s most successful people didn’t achieve their accomplishments overnight. Many of them endured countless failed attempts in their journey to achieve their goals and dreams. What sets them apart is their mindset to keep going instead of giving up after failing.

Become resilient

Everyone experiences failure in life and not every failure can be turned around. Accepting failure builds resilience and gives you the motivation to try and try again. Not everyone succeeds at a task on the first try and this is perfectly normal. Failure helps you to build inner strength and be ready to face challenges with a level-minded approach. When babies try to walk for the first time, they fall, they cry, they get upset but they always stand up and try again. Keep this in mind when you experience failure, no matter how many times you fall, always stand up every time.

Be more realistic

We all have lofty dreams and ambitions and somehow hope to achieve them seamlessly. However, this isn’t the case in real life. There are many steps involved, trials, setbacks and failures to be faced before you can reach your goals. Experiencing failure and embracing it as a lesson also helps you to be more realistic when working on your goals. Instead of aiming for the perfect end result, you learn to take on tasks one step at a time. This allows you more time to plan, adapt and manage your expectations and set yourself up to win.

Failure leads to growth

Every time you fail, you learn something. Or at least, you should. Learning from failure allows you to grow as a person. You begin to work on yourself, to improve your methods, expand your knowledge and re-evaluate your life and make better choices. A lot of growth comes from failure. You gain a deeper understanding of life, become resilient, embrace change, and learn new lessons which can be useful further down the road. You learn, and you grow into a better version of you.

Don’t give up

Success is everyone’s dream. However, it means that you have to be ready, willing and able to put in the work. When you fail, it isn’t the end of the world. If you change the way you think and embrace a positive attitude towards failure, it will help you to keep trying your best!