What I’ve Learnt Over the Last 12 Months

by Anastasia Fermin, Sunshima blog writer

The world has been living through a pandemic for over 12 months now. During this time, we’ve all experienced many firsts, many challenges and a multitude of changes in almost every aspect of life. It has honestly been overwhelming and stressful along with a myriad of other emotions. So much has happened, is still happening and we are all just trying to live and enjoy life despite so much uncertainty. Here are some things I have learnt over the last 12 months.

Health is a top priority

We often take our health for granted with bad diet choices, bad habits and other behaviours which affect our bodies in a negative way. I certainly learnt that a healthy body gives you fighting chance to survive a pandemic. To do so, we must be kind to our bodies and put more emphasis on achieving good health with preventative measures such as:

  • Eating healthy food
  • Getting enough sleep
  • Quitting bad habits such as smoking
  • Exercising and having an active lifestyle
  • Keeping yourself and your surroundings clean
  • Taking dietary supplements, minerals and vitamins to support better health

Patience is key

Lockdowns, business closure and event cancellations are but a few hiccups in the grand scheme of things. I’ve learnt that the best thing to do instead of stressing yourself out is to have patience. It’s not as easy as it sounds, and we are so used to a certain pace of living that waiting for things to return to normal is stressful. However, patience goes hand in hand with understanding. We must all understand that while things aren’t the way we are used to, we must wait and hope that everything will be okay eventually.

Embrace change

Change is a part of life, and even though not every change is for the better, it teaches us how to adapt and be resilient. I’ve learnt that instead of fighting change, it’s better to embrace it and learn how to go with the flow. Instead of being afraid, look for the light in every situation and accept change as it comes.

Gratitude and humility

One very important lesson I’d like to share is to give thanks and appreciate the small joys in life. We should all be grateful for life, not everyone has come this far. Appreciate simple things like having access to food, jobs, shelter and love. I’ve especially been grateful for spending more time with family. We spend so much time away from home, that we drift apart from our loved ones. Spending more time with loved ones is definitely a top priority now more than ever.

What have you learnt?

Many of us have experienced major shifts in the way we live our lives. Some have not really encountered much change at all. The past 12 months have affected us all in different ways. How has your life changed? What have you learnt from your experiences? Share your stories, thoughts and wisdom because we can all learn from each other!