Enjoy Winter Scandinavian Style

by Karen Alexander, Sunshima guest blog writer

Summer has been fun and while I absolutely love long hot days, as the season changes and days become shorter and colder, we can look forward to making the most of winter, and nowhere else is this more appreciated than in Scandinavia where in Denmark and Sweden there is a whole culture of welcoming the colder months as an opportunity to slow down and cosy up!  The Danish Hygge and the Swedish Mys are about surrounding yourself with cosiness, which in turn will enhance your wellbeing and happiness. Here are 10 ways to enjoy winter like a Scandinavian.

Warm Lighting

Create a warm atmosphere in your home by using warm coloured lower wattage light bulbs, fairy lights and candles. This will make your home cosy and is also cost effective.

Make a Cosy Corner

Find a spot or nook where you can sit comfortably, add a soft pillow or two, some warm throw blankets, a place for your hot drink and then put your feet up and relax. From here you can read that book, watch that film or just let time pass you by.

Make a winter reading/movie list

Make a list of the books and films that you want to enjoy in your cosy corner and see how many you get through this winter!

Take a break from Tech

Many of us are guilty of being a little bit too dependent on our phones and devices.  Schedule in some tech free time, put down your phone and pick up a hobby you’ve always wanted to try. You might even be able to get other family members to join you!

Enjoy Family and Friends

 A hygge get together is about being with people you love, enjoying simple delicious food, so invite friends and family to your house and simply enjoy each other’s company. Guests can help with cooking or even bring their own family favourites!

Slow Down

Embrace slow living, we are all aware how fast life is today, rushing to get to the next goal. Instead, stop and enjoy getting cosy in your warm nook, read, meditate or how about trying some home crafts like knitting.

Slow Cooking

I love winter comfort food with recipes that require hours for the flavours to fully develop.  Invest in a slow cooker and make mouth-watering dishes. Plus using a slow cooker is economical and can be relaxing. Just place all the ingredients in the slow cooker and leave for several hours.

Hot Drinks

What could be cosier than a piping hot drink; think hot chocolate, rum toddies and of course mulled wine.

Snuggle with soft furnishings and warm woollies

As well as having a cosy corner, you can also create a sense of cosiness in your whole home by placing knitted throws, soft pillows and using essential oils. And who doesn’t love snuggling in warm socks, big jumpers, and cuddly scarves. Surrounding your home and yourself with soft warm materials is all part of creating that Scandinavian winter glow.

Enjoy Nature

Go out for a brisk walk, enjoy the changing colour of the leaves and if it snows, the crunch of fresh snow beneath your feet. Also there is nothing quite like returning to a warm home after a good walk in the winter air!

Hygge and Mys are all about creating cosiness in your life and home during the long winter months. They are about embracing the opportunity to slow down and highlight looking after your wellbeing. So here is wishing you all a happy cosy winter!