How to Detox after the Christmas Break

by Anastasia Fermin, Sunshima blog writer

When the new year rolls around, many of us feel the desire to start anew. We set new year resolutions, leave bad habits of the previous year behind and try to change our lives for the better. After the holiday season and all the over indulgence that sometimes occurs, we feel that a detox is necessary. How to detox after the holidays to start the New Year on the right track? Here are some ways you can achieve this.

Clean up your diet

If you want to stave off the negative effects of overindulging in alcohol, high calorie foods and sugary treats, clean up your diet. You can start small by gradually eliminating foods that are bad for your health. For instance, cut back on products made with processed sugar and eat more whole foods such as leafy greens, vegetables, pulses, fruits and lean meat. This change will help you lose that extra holiday weight and also be beneficial to your overall health.

Drink more water

Drink more water to help your body flush out toxins and keep you hydrated. Drinking water clears your skin and helps you to lose weight among other great benefits. The recommended daily amount of water that the average person should consume is approximately 1.2 to 1.5 litres per day. Drink water before or after meals, after exercise or spending time outdoors and keep some to sip on while you work.


Sweat out toxins with regular workouts and try to keep active. Even if your aim is not to lose weight but to simply adopt a healthy lifestyle, frequent exercise can help you feel more energetic, sleep better and boost your body functions. 

Clear your mind

Apart from detoxing your body, much emphasis should be placed on detoxing your mind. Shift away from negative thoughts and think about goals to achieve in the new year. If your mental health was especially affected by the pandemic, seek counselling on how to cope and move forward into the new year amidst the uncertainty that is still present across the globe.

Improve your quality of sleep

Make getting sufficient sleep a priority to help in your detox. Your body needs to rest in order to function at its best. Forgo late night tv bingeing or staying up late for no reason. Getting into a proper sleep schedule can do wonders for your energy levels, mental clarity, health and productivity. It also helps your body to relax and destress. Invest in items to help you sleep better such as weighted blankets, lavender oil, comfy pajamas, pillows and soothing sleep music. 

Detoxing doesn’t mean you need to try gimmicky teas and supplements. Your body can detox itself, naturally by providing the daily conditions that it needs to do so. Eat natural foods that aid in detox, drink water, rest and keep active. Start simple with baby steps to make healthier choices in your life and you will surely achieve your health and wellness goals!