Self-Love Tips for Valentine’s Day

by Karen Alexander, Sunshima guest blog writer

Valentine’s Day is usually seen as the ultimate celebration of love. Shops are filled with gifts covered in red hearts, restaurants offer special romantic menus and even supermarkets do valentine meal deals.  While you can express your love for other people such as parents and friends, it still remains very much a day for couples. But what about self-love, after all the most important relationship we have is the one with ourselves.  Self-love is good for your self-esteem and your mental health.

First of all, what is self-love?  Self-love is a high regard for your own wellbeing and happiness. You practice self-love by taking care of your own needs and not sacrificing your wellbeing to please others. Self-love is important whether you are in a relationship or single, since being aware of your own needs helps you set healthy boundaries in how others treat you.  So, this Valentine’s Day, how can you practice self-love?

Celebrate Yourself

Sometimes it is easier to be critical of yourself than praise your strengths.  What do you love about yourself? Maybe it’s your ability to multitask, your determination or your sense of humour. Make a list of what you admire about yourself and write a gratitude letter to yourself.  After all, in this whole wide world there is no one else quite like you and that should be celebrated.

Treat Yourself

Don’t wait for someone to get you chocolates.  You can indulge yourself with a favourite treat or something you have had on your wish list for a while. It also does not have to be expensive; it just has to make you feel special.  After all you are worth it!

Do Something You Love

Make time to do something you look forward to and enjoy, not only will it bring you joy, but it will also boost your energy! So for this Valentines whether it be practising meditation, watching your favourite movie, listening to music, or trying that new face mask, schedule time to do something just for you.

Ignore Social Media

Give yourself a break from looking at the “perfect lives” others present online.  None of us know the true story behind the seemingly flawless pictures and it is well documented that comparing ourselves to these images is harmful for our self-esteem and body image. Instead unplug, do something calming, take a walk or start a book that’s been on your reading list.

Be Mindful to Yourself

Be aware of how you talk to yourself.  As mentioned before, we can be very criterial, so whenever you find yourself thinking something unkind about yourself or rehashing past mistakes, change to a gentler tone and speak to yourself as you would to a friend.  What would you say to someone who was having such unkind feelings about themselves?

You can practise self-love not only on February 14th but also the rest of the year, whether you are single or part of a couple. Being aware of your own needs, will help in how others treat you and in you being kinder to yourself.  There is only one you, so this Valentine’s Day give yourself some love!