Seven Simple Autumn Habits for a Happier Life

by Sunshima Team

As the golden leaves fall and the air turns crisp, autumn invites us to slow down, reflect, and realign our routines. With the days getting shorter and the demands of modern life staying constant, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. However, autumn can be a time of renewal and grounding. By embracing a few simple seasonal habits, you can boost your happiness and well-being during these transitional months.

Here are some easy-to-adopt autumn habits to help you feel more present, content, and joyful.

 Embrace the Art of Hygge

 Hygge (pronounced “hoo-gah”) is a Danish concept centred around cosiness, comfort, and well-being. Autumn is the perfect season to cultivate hygge in your life. Think of it as intentionally creating moments of warmth, whether it’s through sipping a cup of tea by a crackling fire, curling up with a blanket and a good book, or lighting candles in the evening. These simple acts help you to unwind and find joy in the little things.  Check out our blog from November 2022 “Enjoy Winter Scandinavian Style” for more tips on how you can bring hygge into your life.

Get Outside and Soak in the Season

Though the temperatures may drop, autumn offers a stunning backdrop for outdoor activities. Whether it’s a weekend hike through a forest, a leisurely walk in the park, or even a stroll around your neighbourhood, getting outside can do wonders for your mental health. Nature is a known mood booster, and the fresh, crisp air can leave you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

Eat Seasonal Comfort Foods

 One of the highlights of the cooler months is the return of comfort foods with many of us remembering special childhood dishes which fed both our stomachs and souls. Plus, these foods can be nutritious and comforting at the same time. Think hearty soups, roasted veggies, or warm apple crumble made with oats and cinnamon. And eating seasonal produce like squash, pumpkins, parsnips and turnips can help you feel more connected to the rhythm of nature, which can bring a sense of grounding and satisfaction.

Practice Gratitude Daily

Sometimes it feels easier to focus on the negative but where does that get you; instead, practicing gratitude daily whether it’s writing three things you’re grateful for in a journal each morning or simply reflecting on what went well at the end of the day, encourages you to highlight the positive aspects of your life.

Gratitude is known to increase feelings of happiness and contentment. It helps rewire your brain to notice the good in your life, rather than dwelling on what’s missing or what went wrong. Plus, it’s a habit that only takes a few minutes but can have a long-lasting impact on your overall mood.

 Establish a Gentle Morning Routine

 As the mornings get darker, it’s tempting to stay curled up in bed. However, a gentle morning routine can set the tone for the rest of your day.  Start with small rituals that help you wake up with intention, like stretching, sipping on a warm beverage, or practicing mindfulness for just a few minutes. Consider leaving your phone on “do not disturb” for the first 30 minutes after waking up to avoid the stress of emails and notifications and use this time to centre yourself, whether through journaling, meditation, or a short walk outside. Setting this peaceful foundation can have a ripple effect, helping you feel calmer and happier throughout the day.

 Stay Connected with Loved Ones

 Autumn often brings feelings of nostalgia, making it a great time to reconnect with friends and family. Whether it’s inviting friends over for a cosy movie night, hosting a casual dinner party, or simply taking the time to check in with someone you care about, nurturing your relationships can make you happier. We all need human connection and even if you can’t meet in person, a phone call or video chat can help you feel more grounded and supported.

Slow Down and Reflect

Finally, as the natural world begins to slow down, take time to pause and reflect – what works in your life and what needs to change. After all, rushing around and being busy is a great way to avoid thoughtful reflection, by slowing down and listening to your body and mind you give yourself permission to look at what brings you happiness, and who knows where that could lead?

We hope that these simple autumn habits will help you embrace the beauty of the season while boosting your happiness. So, get cosy, take a deep breath of that fresh air, and enjoy all that autumn has to offer!

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