Benefits of Using an Acupressure Mat

by Karen Alexander, Sunshima guest blog writer

During the height of the pandemic when a lot of the world was in lockdown, acupressure mats provided a form of self-care at home beneficial at a time when many of us were stressed and worried. After what has seemed like a long 2 years, life is starting to return to normal, we can now work and socialise in person. However, there are new concerns and facing these challenges requires that we continue prioritising our health. Self-care is still very important and acupressure mats used regularly can help deal with anxiety, stress and pain.

How it works

An acupressure mat is a bit like a yoga mat covered in several hundred tiny plastic pressure points. As you lie down on the points, there is initial discomfort and as blood flows increases, your brain releases endorphins in response and the targeted part of the body starts to feel warmer. You will start to feel relaxed and may even fall asleep.

Relieves Stress and Anxiety

The relaxation and deep calm you can get from using an acupressure mat helps lower stress and anxiety. A study by Barker et al. of 38 patients showed that patients who received acupressure treatment while being taken to hospital in an ambulance, experienced less anxiety and had a lower heart rate.

Relieves Pain Naturally

The same study also found that the patients who had acupressure treatment felt less pain. Indeed acupressure mats have been used widely to combat back pain. One study with 40 participants with neck and back pain found a significant reduction in pain when an acupressure mat was used regularly for 14 days. You can also stand on the mat to relieve pain linked to plantar fasciitis. And it also can provide pain relief for glutes and hips, just place the mat on a hard chair, sit on it, applying pressure to those areas for up to 20 minutes a day.

Help You Sleep

Many people, myself included, have found that using an acupressure mat as part of your bedtime routine helps you fall sleep and have a better night’s sleep. To really set the mood, lower lights, place the mat on your bed and lie on it for 20 minutes. We would not recommend sleeping on the mat all night but if you do wake up in the middle of the night, just use it again for 20 minutes to help you relax.

Releases Muscle Tension

The massage effects of using an acupressure mat relaxes tense muscles. The acupressure points stimulate your muscles releasing endorphins and tension. Your muscles should feel relaxed after a 20-minute session.

Other benefits

Eases tension headaches

Lowers high blood pressure

Improves circulation

Makes you feel more energised

Portable self-care you can take anywhere

Natural and non-invasive

The benefits of using an acupressure mat are optimised by daily use, only 20 minutes a day. Listen to your body especially if you are new to acupressure mats, it may work better for you to build up to 20 mins and some people find 30 minutes more beneficial. It’s important that you do what works for you and experience the wonderful benefits of an acupressure mat for yourself!