by Sunshima blog team
Who does not love spring, there is the Easter Break and before you know it, summer will be here! There is also a sense of renewal and a thorough spring clean is one important way to usher in the warmer months. Also of course thanks to the increased sunshine we can really see the cobwebs and dust that has been accumulating during the winter. This is true not only of our homes but also of our lives. Now is a good opportunity to take stock, look at what supports you and what you can let go. Are there areas you have been neglecting? Here are some top tips to Spring Clean your life and move forward in your life’s journey!
Clean up your relationships
Let’s start with the big one. Don’t let bad relationships weigh you down. Cut toxic people out of your life. People who make you feel worse about yourself. Look at how you feel after being with them and if you feel less than, it’s time to cut them loose. Instead make more time for people who support and truly look out for your wellbeing.
Tackle your finances
Another big area is money. We have all heard about increasing inflation. Online Banking can help you budget and see where you are spending your money. Whether you enlist the help of a professional, download an app or try to sort through your finances on your own, it’s important to get it done. Make note of your spending habits, your monthly bills and find ways to save money and cut unnecessary spending or costs.
Clean your home
This more traditional approach to spring cleaning will help you create a clutter free environment and that in itself will improve your mood and bring you joy especially if you’re feeling a bit down. A thorough house-cleaning will deal with all those little household jobs you have been putting off all winter and create a space from where you feel better prepared to deal with the next challenge.
Clear your mind
Take time to declutter your mind. One way to do that is by writing your thoughts down in a journal, or meditation, which will encourage you to focus on the present instead of the what ifs. Decluttering your mind helps you to have a positive mindset and attitude towards your day-to-day life.
Social Media Cleanse
Look at the apps you use. Are they a positive force in your life or a source of negativity? Clear out any apps that are not contributing to your wellbeing. Likewise unsubscribe, unfollow, and unlike pages and people that are negative. Keep those that bring you joy.
Work on a life plan
Work on your future by creating a life plan. Figure out what you want to do or achieve in a year, 5 years and so forth. Set goals to help you get these things done and think about how you should work on accomplishing them.
Clean up your diet
Don’t worry we are not asking you to cut out all processed foods, just pick 3 that you know are not good for you and which you can confidently remove from your diet. Then replace with healthier choices like fruit and vegetables. See what’s new in the fresh produce aisle and try something different!
We hope these tips will help recharge and re-energise your life and of course let us know about your own special tips. Anything that you do at this time of year to renew and feel ready for the coming months.