Taking Care of Your Mental Health in 2022

by Anastasia Fermin, Sunshima blog writer

2022 brings new hope that life may be returning to a greater level of normality. However, many people still struggle with their mental health from the events over the past couple of years and current news is far from comforting. It is a trying time for many and it’s easy to forget to prioritise your mental health because you are so focused on physical wellness, working, and getting through hard times. Here are some ways to re-introduce mental health care to your day-to-day life to maintain a healthy balance.

Prioritise sleep

Lack of sleep can contribute to making symptoms of depression and anxiety worse. These conditions also make it hard to fall asleep, so you may need to put in some extra effort. Set a regular bedtime and unwind to get into sleep mode. Switch off devices, listen to soothing music, or try taking melatonin or CBD to induce a more relaxed state. Getting enough sleep is good for both your mind and body and has many positive impacts.


When you hear the word meditate you may automatically assume it’s an activity that only yogis or hippies do. However, meditation is a great practice for people of all ages, backgrounds, and walks of life. Meditation is also a great way to develop your mind-body connection and help you to tune in and embrace your true self. You can meditate simply by taking a few minutes to clear your mind while breathing deeply. This helps to draw in focus, bring your heart rate down if you are anxious, and allow you to think clearly and logically. (For more guidance on this beneficial practice, check out our blog “Meditation tips for beginners.”)


Some people find that writing down their thoughts can help them lighten the load they carry mentally. Journaling can help you to organise your thoughts, write down goals and aspirations, analyse issues you may face, and even allow you to vent. It’s especially helpful when you can’t seem to talk about what’s bothering you. Writing it down may be easier and also bring some relief. It’s also a great way to reflect on the progress that you made in your personal development.

Surround yourself with positivity

The world is not all doom and gloom. Trying to look for the silver lining to bleak moments or speaking more kindly to yourself and others can bring more positivity to your life. This also means staying away from toxic people who create negative energy and affect your mental well-being. Friends and family who are honest, uplift, support, and cheer for you are the best people to be around.

Be grateful

Always be grateful even when things seem dire. Gratitude helps you to remind yourself of what’s important and where your best efforts should lie. It shows you what, and who should have a place in your life and how to create an atmosphere of love and happiness. Being thankful for the good and bad things develops your resilience, builds strength, and a more optimistic mind-set.

So remember, everyone faces their own mental issues and we all cope in different ways. If you feel like nothing helps, the next step should be talking to a therapist or professional to help you process and overcome your struggles. Making the effort and taking the first step to taking care of your mental health is a major accomplishment in itself!