7 Tips for Having Fun

by Anastasia Fermin, Sunshima blog writer

Life can become monotonous especially if it mostly revolves around work, home, worrying about events in the news and not much else. However, changing up your routine or incorporating more fun into your life without totally disrupting your schedule is possible. These 7 tips for having fun are bound to brighten up your day.

Play more music

There are many opportunities to add music to your life. You can dance in the kitchen while you make breakfast, stream music on the train to work, or jam to tunes on the radio while you drive. Music can have a positive impact on your mood and even make you feel inspired and energetic to tackle the day ahead.

Connect with your inner child

Being an adult is serious business, but that doesn’t mean you can’t tap into your inner child and have fun. A simple joy such as eating an ice cream cone or sitting on the swings at the park can take you back to those carefree days of childhood. Playing with your children can also allow you to feel like a child again as you revisit old games and cartoons with them.

Try something new

There is still so much to uncover in the world around you, so pencil in some time to look for new experiences. Plan a trip to somewhere exotic or go hiking with friends. If you’re not the adventurous type, start small. Try a new café, buy a new outfit or watch a movie you’ve never seen before. There’s always something new to discover.

Find a hobby

Pick up a new hobby that you can have fun with. If there is any hobby you always wanted to try but never got around to it, it’s worth diving into. Take an art course, start baking, or pick up a new sport. It doesn’t matter how good you are at it, as long as you’re enjoying it. Hobbies can also be therapeutic, stress-relieving and most of all, a lot of fun.

Be spontaneous

Spontaneity can lead to some of the best memories. Take a day off work to do something fun with your family or leave work early to meet up with friends every once in a while. Splurge on your favourite dessert or take a random walk in nature. Always try to live in the moment and appreciate any chance you get to spend it with your loved ones.

Stop caring about what people think

Don’t be afraid to dance at a party because you think you might look silly. Wear the clothes that you want with confidence and poise, even if it doesn’t suit someone else’s taste. People may judge you, but who cares, what matters most is that you are enjoying your life to the fullest and maybe even inspire others to try the same approach.

Be yourself

Finally, just be yourself. Don’t let life dampen who you truly are. Keep a positive outlook and appreciate every moment. Everyone has a different perception of fun. Some people prefer quiet time at home doing their favourite things, others seek adventure in nature or travel. Whatever makes you happy and brings joy to your life is worth holding on to. Always be yourself and let your light shine through!