Looking After Your Mental Health: How Nature Helps

by Anastasia Fermin, Sunshima blog writer

Many of us are so focused on achieving top physical health that sometimes our mental health takes a backseat. What good is all the exercise, clean eating and regular medical check ups when we still feel stressed or have unresolved mental issues? Our goals should include pursuing better health and wellness both physically and mentally. There are many ways to incorporate looking after your mental health in your daily routine and nature can play a huge part in accomplishing this.

Nature is soothing

Have you ever noticed how peaceful a walk through a forest makes you feel? If you’ve never done it before, I highly recommend that you give it a try. Nature is very soothing and has a calming effect on your mind and body. Listening to the sounds of birds, leaves rustling in the wind and feeling the grass and earth beneath your feet is highly therapeutic. It is a wonderful change from the hustle and bustle of urban life, taxing jobs and feeling overwhelmed and out of time. Spending time outdoors in nature can slow it all down and give you room to breathe and reflect on the things that cause you stress. It can also increase your levels of concentration and focus, boost self-esteem and even unlock your creative side! Here are some ways to introduce more nature time into your daily life.

Spend time in green spaces

Not everyone lives near the woods, but you may have access to green spaces in your city. Parks, gardens, open fields and similar areas offer the same benefits. Spending a small portion of your day or free time in such spaces can have positive effects on your mood, reduce stress and even promote more physical exercises like walking, stretching and simply moving around.

Take weekend hikes or trail walks

Make spending time in nature a hobby by seeking out nature walks and hiking destinations and invite a friend or family member along for company. Use the time to focus on enjoying your time outdoors, putting the stress of the work week behind you and focus on improving your overall life satisfaction!

Bring nature to your home

If you don’t have access or time to visit nature, try creating a green space in your home. You can do this by starting a small garden, or setting up an area in whatever outdoor space you have, where you can relax and still tune in to the sounds and sights of nature around you.

Just go outside

Take the scenic route every chance you get, spend more time walking in the fresh air than bingeing on tv shows and learn to unwind. There are many ways to appreciate and feel the benefits of spending time in nature as long as you take time to step outside. It’s as simple as taking an after-dinner walk, early morning jog or biking around your neighbourhood.  This also helps you to work on achieving better physical health and bask in the benefits that exercise can bring, both mentally and physically!