Tips for Exercising Safely When It’s Hot

by Lauren Hodges, Sunshima blog writer

With the heat of summer finally here, we are all becoming increasingly excited to get outdoors for that fresh, warm air. Instead of gyms, people are opting for doing their exercising outdoors via a long jog, yoga, swimming, biking, etc. Whereas that is fantastic and to be thoroughly encouraged, exercising outside comes with its own risks and requirements you need to know in order to stay safe!


Yes, this one may seem a bit obvious, but it is clear that the majority of people do not drink enough water on a daily basis regardless of the time of year or temperature outside.

If you’re going to be exercising outdoors, make sure you are taking water with you. In particular, if you are going for a run, a hike, a jog, etc. you may want to consider purchasing a camel pack. Camel packs are like backpacks but smaller and strictly for holding several liters of water. They are an excellent option to keep your hands free and provide you with easy access to drinking water on your workout.

*Friendly tip: iced coffee (or iced tea) does not count as hydration! They are natural dehydrants and should be avoided prior to or during your workout.

Eat hydrating snacks

Where applicable, consider eating foods high in water content such as watermelon, spinach, strawberries, etc. These foods will give you energy, fill you up, and add to your water intake naturally!

Wear a high SPF sunscreen

Whether you tan or burn, wearing sunscreen is something you need to be doing on a daily basis, especially during the summer months when the sun is at its peak. Sunscreen is not solely for those high temperature days, if the sun is out, the sunscreen is on!

Sunscreen helps protect your skin from getting burned as well as protecting it from future skin diseases. We recommend at least a level 50 SPF if you’re going to be exercising in direct sunlight such as on an open hike or kayaking on a river. In areas where there is more shade coverage, you could opt for a lower SPF, but 50 is still the safer choice!

Purchase loose clothing

You are bound to sweat during your summer workout, but to help keep your body cool and comfortable, opt for cloths that are thin, loose and light in color. The darker the fabric, the more sunlight it will attract (meaning the hotter your clothes will feel).

A fantastic option for ladies who are comfortable enough is to just wear sports bras.

Incorporate water activities

If you enjoy a swim on a hot day, you may want to look into some water sports you could include in your summer workout. This is a simple way to help keep you safe from heat exhaustion in the summer since cold water can drop your body temperature rapidly when needed!

Consider kayaking, swimming, or even water skiing if its an option for you!

The summer months are ideal for working out outdoors. The warm sunshine, fresh air, and cool breezes make you feel rejuvenated the moment you step outside. Before you create your workout routine or hit the pool, take some time to lather up the sunscreen, invest in some lightweight clothing garments, and maybe even purchase a camel pack or a large water bottle! Most importantly, stay safe this summer!