Things I Love About This Time of Year

by Lauren Hodges, Sunshima blog writer

Now that the season of Spring has arrived, the days are warmer, the air has a soft breeze, new green buds are bursting out of their shells, and overall, I simply feel happier! This time of year often feels similar to the New Year for me. This is due to a variety of reasons, but I definitely have some favourites!

The weather

As generic as this may sound, Springtime is by far one of my favourite times of the year. With the days getting warmer, there is more time to be outdoors partaking in activities like riding bikes, walking along a river or through the forest, playing with my pup at the park, checking out local bargain stores. There is always more to enjoy in life when the outdoors isn’t covered in a sheet of ice!

The sunlight

Rightfully placed in my top three favourite things about this time of year is the increased amount of sunlight. Our days get longer in the Spring. Even if there is a slight chill in the air, a sunny day makes so many things better. We get to take in those warm vitamin D rays, which ultimately makes us feel happier since vitamin D increases oxytocin, our happiness hormone!

The cleaning

Perhaps a little bit strange, but I personally love the “spring cleaning” aspect to this time of year. It often feels like a time to renew! It’s best to do a thorough clean out at least twice/year but I find that spring cleaning is the most exciting. Going through my wardrobe, donating clothing I no longer need, organising/redoing my bedroom, maybe even deciding to paint some walls, it’s all a way to reset, rebalance, and renew!

The animals

I don’t know about anyone else, but I personally love the sound of the birds chirping in the morning. Hearing those tiny little animals singing their tunes with the sunrise puts me in a good mood and makes me feel like it’s going to be a great day! There’s also nothing cuter than enjoying a picnic in the park and seeing a little family of bunnies hop by or a couple of ducks float on past me in the pond. It’s a beautiful sight that warms my soul!

The food

The Springtime has the absolute best food! Gone are the days of stews, soups, and other heavy meals. We all want foods that are light, colourful, and fresh. I am also much more likely to cook in the Spring because I enjoy making fresh vibrant meals like salads, fish, cheese boards, etc.

The markets

The Springtime also provides the beautiful weather and food options for going to outdoor farmers markets! Who doesn’t love shopping small and supporting local farms? Farmers markets are a fantastic place to get your fresh produce to cook all of your favourite springtime meals!

Spring will forever be one of my treasured seasons for so many reasons, but the weather, the food, and the overall atmosphere are by far my top few! I look forward to enjoying the outdoors, listening to the birds, and taking in all the rays this season offers – and I truly hope that you do as well!