How to Boost Your Happy Hormones

by Lauren Hodges, Sunshima blog writer

Whether you are a man or a woman, you are subject to hormonal changes in mood. Yes gentlemen, you are just as likely to feel “moody” as the ladies. We are actually all hormonal.  Hormones run our entire bodies, both physically and mentally. What hormones comes to mind when you think about naming a few?

You likely said oestrogen and testosterone. There are the most well-known, but did you know that there are actually four other hormones that directly control how happy you feel? Not only that, but there are ways for you to manipulate these hormones (in a healthy way) to improve your mood!

Quick biology lesson

In order to clearly understand how to manipulate your happy hormones, it’s beneficial to know what exactly hormones are and how they are produced in the body.

Hormones are chemicals within the body that are sent into our bloodstream via the endocrine system at the appropriate times. Our bodies know what hormones need to be sent based on what is happening in our external and internal lives.

The four hormones up for discussion today include oxytocin, serotonin, dopamine, and endorphins. These directly contribute to how happy we feel, but something most people don’t realise is that we can actually control these hormones and help our body release them sooner so that we can enjoy the happiness feelings that they bring!


The most well-known happiness hormone is oxytocin – also known as the love hormone. This is the hormone that we feel when we do something that helps us bond with someone or something else in a loving way. For example,

  • Hugging your parent
  • Receiving physical touch, such as a massage
  • Playing with your pet
  • Being verbally affectionate via compliments or storytelling


This unique little hormone makes its appearance primarily during a time of high physical activity. Its job is to help reduce stress, improve focus, and fight pain. Most people feel endorphins during a time of fear, but it is also the reason we feel blissful and exhilarated after a long run or intense workout.

Endorphins also get released into the body when we are doing things that personally reduce stress for us such as,

  • Laughing really hard
  • Eating dark chocolate
  • Having sex
  • Lighting our favorite candles


Known for its use in fighting depression, serotonin comes into play anytime we do something natural for our bodies. It’s the hormone that we feel when we get a good night’s rest, walk outside during the daytime, take slow deep breaths, lay outside and get a little tan, etc.

All you need to do for this happy hormone, is do something that you feel the body needs such as getting more sunlight or relaxing!


Better known as the reward-hormone, this chemical is released into the bloodstream anytime we do something for ourselves. For example:

  • Taking a relaxing bath
  • Eating your favourite dessert
  • Finishing a project you started
  • Listening to your favourite music

Happy hormones are not all that complex. They are simple hormones that can be released on their own accord, or slightly manipulated so that you can feel the benefits whenever you want. Take advantage of these little things you can do throughout your day and enjoy the benefits of feeling happier!