7 Ways to Spring Clean Your Life

by Anastasia Fermin, Sunshima blog writer

Your house is not the only thing that needs a thorough Spring Cleaning. You can have a spic-and-span abode but still feel cluttered and anxious because things in your life may be stressful or in need of sorting out. Being busy with work, kids or school can put a lot of issues on the back burner. When you don’t take the time to address certain aspects of your life, it can become overwhelming. Here are 7 ways to Spring Clean your life and help you maintain balance across different areas of your life.

  1. Clean your house – Spring cleaning your house or flat helps you to create a clutter free and comfortable dwelling. If you’re feeling a bit down and out, simply cleaning your personal space can vastly improve your mood and bring you joy. A thorough house-cleaning will deal with all those little household jobs you have been putting off all winter, sanitise your home at a time when we have all become more hygiene conscious and make it easier for you to stay on top of daily chores.
  2. Organise your finances – Crunch those numbers and take control of your finances. Whether you enlist the help of a professional, download an app or try to sort through your finances on your own, it’s important to get it done. Make note of your spending habits, your monthly bills and find ways to save money and cut unnecessary spending or costs.
  3. Clean up your relationships – Don’t let relationships weigh you down. Cut toxic people out of your life and make more time for loved ones and catching up with old friends.
  4. Clear your mind – Take time to declutter your mind. Write your thoughts down in a journal, meditate and find your inner peace. Decluttering your mind helps you to have a positive mindset and attitude towards your day-to-day life.
  5. Try new things – Pick a hobby or skill to learn that brings you joy, is therapeutic or can help you grow and expand your personal development. Trying something new can also give you a renewed sense of purpose.
  6. Work on a life plan – Work on your future by creating a life plan. Figure out what you want to do or achieve in a year, 5 years and so forth. Set goals to help you get these things done and think about how you should work on accomplishing them.
  7. Clean up your diet – Throw out all the processed food and junk foods from your pantry and refrigerator. Take control of your health and wellness by eating a healthy diet and actively pursuing better health by including exercise into your routine.

Maintain Order After you’ve embarked on a Spring-cleaning journey, don’t let things fall back into disarray. Let it become a routine that you can utilize to create and maintain balance in your life. Keep your home decluttered and don’t neglect your mental and physical health!